Monday 15 July 2013


With my brother's son Gospel

    Hej och välkommen!

Yes! Before getting started, let's get to know a little about the name and face behind this blog. The name is Emmanuel Mukumu and the face is the one you see in the picture to the left (the older one ofcourse). I am a Physicists by education, so when I'm serious I talk Physics. I talk about celestial objects and phenomena. I talk about stars, how they are born, their evolution and how they die. I talk relativity. I talk about Einstein's equations of general relativity, and I even solve them.

When I'm less serious I tell stories and make jokes. Yes, seriously. All kinds of stories. To tell stories you must have stories. So I read a lot. And when I'm not reading or telling stories I'm arguing about FC Barcelona and Real Madrid or whether Messi is better than Ronaldo. And if I'm not doing that then I should be on the football field serving as a referee. Didn't know that? Yes, I'm actually a trained referee, albeit at amateur level for now. And when I'm done from the field? Well, not enough space and time to say everything I do when I'm not serious.

I live in Umeå, a small beautiful town in Northern Sweden. I have lived here for the past 7 years 4 months 29 days and 6.3 hours, to be precise. You will get to know more about the place in the post that follow.

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